Dir = Danny Boyle
Two young boys, maybe 8 and 12, in
John Malkovich, Salma Hayek, Lucy Liu, David Schwimmer, Rhys Ifans and Burt Reynolds (really.) Dir: Mike Figgis
A film crew tries to make a "Dogmatic" film in
National Treasure
Nicolas Cage
The DaVinci code morphs into Indiana Jones. A treasure map on the back of the Declaration of independence must be stolen. No problem! Wouldn't even make sense to kids. I rented it to see Cage, without realizing it was a Disney. No acting, plot, script, music: nothing.
Robert De Niro (what was he thinking?)
De Niro is a mad scientist who clones a boy killed at age 8. New boy has inappropriate affect, though no one notices, until finally, yup, he sees dead people. Film doesn't even express social anxiety about cloning. Risible.
Nicole Kidman, Rene Zellweger, Jude Law
Civil war confederate soldier deserts his unit and takes an odyssey back home to his girl, NK. Colors quote O Brother. A gunfight or explosion every 10 minutes like clockwork. Stereotyped and cliched in every department. Very Disney-esque. Even Renee's ham performance couldn't save this dog.
The Safety of Objects
Glen Close, others. Writ, Dir = Rose Troche.
Four families live in suburbs. That's it! Mind-numbing banality. Unbelievably cliched acting, script. Unwatchable.
Docu-drama biography of Fidel Castro. Amateurish acting, stereotypical scenes, no dramatic tension except the historical tie-in. Unwatchable.
Forrest Whittaker, Clint Eastwood Dir.
Bio of Charlie Parker. Whittaker is way over the top with his ham acting. Noticeably poor camera work. Filled with clichés and not even much emphasis on the music. Unwatchable.
Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Kurt Russell. Dir = Cameron Crow
Dream of a rich kid and his confused reality. Lifeless script, cliché photog. Tom Cruise still can’t act. Surprisingly, Kurt Russell can. Movie is worthless.
Cop finds a rape victim, is unaccountably shocked, spends rest of film gazing “existentially” into the sea.
About Schmidt
Jack Nicholson, Cathy Bates
Retired actuary lives a boring life. If you taught a class in film, you could use this to show how excellent acting, sets and costumes cannot save a dead script. Unsuccessful satire of middle class values using only tired cliches.
Gangs of
Leonardo Dicaprio, Carmen Diaz. Dir=Scorsese
10 Academy award nominations! Big crowds, noisy parades, sprawling brawls, loud gatherings, but nothing going on. Wooden acting, plodding script. Gave up after an hour of utter boredom. Cute costumes.
Francis McDormand, Cate Beckinsale
Young couple from Harvard moves to LA to finish scholarly degrees, fall into the evil
The Pianist
Dir=Polansky. Adrian Brody
3 academy awards! Polish Jews were treated badly by Nazis. Who knew? One guy continues to play uninspired Chopin throughout. Slow moving. Blue filters indicate squalor. Yet another bad remake of Schindler's list. Why?
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