Sunday, December 03, 2006

Scoop: Grade B



Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman, Woody Allen. Written and directed by Woody Allen

Scarlett plays a U.S. college newspaper reporter out to interview aristocrat Hugh Jackman in London. At Woody Allen’s vaudeville magic show, she is “having her molecules disassembled” when a spirit appears to her to say that Jackman is actually the Tarot card killer, a Jack-the-ripper type. She and Woody set out to penetrate the aristocratic life to get the goods on Jackman. It is a completely silly movie, with a steady stream of laugh out loud Woody Allen jokes. I loved the Bergman visual allusion in the beginning. Terrible acting, especially by Scarlett. Could she have been directed that way, to emphasize the comic theme? She looks good though. The story, pace and tempo are like a mix of last year’s Match Point and an older picture, Curse of the Jade Dragon. This is recycled Woody Allen for sure, but the man is funny. I hope he lives forever.

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